Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Advise to Spring '08 Students

First of all, I'd like to begin by telling everyone that this class is probably one of the most beneficial classes at Clemson in regards to working with groups of people in real-world situations. We were given a task to complete by a client, and we all had to submit our proposal ideas so that he could pick the best one. This is a great example of working with a group of people to compete for something in the business world.

The best advice I can give new students is to communicate as much as possible. I was on the Design team and helped make the User Manual so our client (the American Haitian Foundation) would be able to update their Web site. This was difficult for us because we had to wait until the other groups finished the content of the Web site before we could explain how to update it. To make matters more difficult, our professor was out of town and we did not have "formal" class, so we had difficulty getting some of the people in other groups to come to class. Then, we tried to send out an email to remind people, but Blackboard didn't send it. Though annoying, these are things that happen on a daily basis and need to be dealt with accordingly.

This class is not academically challenging, but it promotes group cohesiveness and cooperation more than any class I have taken so far. It also provides advice for resumes, cover letters, and interviewing for jobs. We even had a "mock interview" to practice our interview skills. I definitely recommend this class!

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